After your order has been placed, you will receive an email acknowledging your payment. The email will contain details of the BoilerJuice membership number, the amount paid, any credit or vouchers used towards the oil order and your payment reference.
If you have ordered a standard delivery, your order will be grouped with any other qualifying orders in your postcode across the day, these orders are processed each morning and sent through to the supplier offering the cheapest price. An order confirmation will then be sent to you by email, with the full order details of the order volume, price and the supplier who will be making your delivery.
If you have ordered an express or emergency order, you will shortly afterwards receive the order confirmation email. If you notice any errors or issues on your conformation, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing us at, or call us on 01480775454 Monday – Friday 8am- 5:15pm.