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Save with BoilerJuice Group Savings

Order with your neighbours and you could save on your next top-up.

If enough people in your area order on the same day, you could qualify for Group Savings. Your order will be grouped with others which could qualify for bulk discounts, which are passed back to you!

How do Group Savings work?

Every time you place a qualifying order with BoilerJuice we automatically group your order with others placed in your postcode district, on the same day.

When enough orders in your area have been grouped together by our system, a ‘discount’ will be applied to these orders and the saving passed back to you - meaning we can provide you with cheaper heating oil.

What makes Group Savings so great?

Typically, when you buy more than 2,000 litres of heating oil, you will pay a lower price per litre than if you were buying 500 litres.

This is because it is cheaper for Suppliers to deliver one large ‘bulk’ order to one area, than it is for them to deliver several smaller orders in different areas.

Group buying top tip

The bigger the group, the bigger the discount. Encourage your friends, family and neighbours to order on the same day to increase your chance of saving!


With Group Savings, you'll always pay the lowest price

No matter what time of day you order, every person in your group will always pay the lowest group price available for your postcode district.  

If the final group price is lower than the price you paid when you ordered, we will refund the savings into your Tank Account after the order has been delivered (this can be found in your ‘My Account’ area).

You can use this balance against your next BoilerJuice order, or refund it on to the card registered to your account once the supplier has confirmed your delivery.  

Which orders qualify for Group Savings?

Only qualifying orders are grouped. To qualify for Group Savings, your order must be:
  • ✅ 500 litres or more
  • ✅ Kerosene 28 (not Red Diesel or Premium Kerosene)
  • ✅ On a Standard Delivery (10 day delivery)
  • ✅ Delivered on Standard Tanker (6 wheeler)

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Thousands of happy customers use BoilerJuice to get the cheapest heating oil