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4 ways you can reduce your energy bills from your living room

Reducing your energy bills can be simple. BoilerJuice has summarised 4 ways to save more energy from your living room.

Written by
Camilla George
on 27 Jan 2023
and updated on
27 Jan 2023
Categorised in
Tips and Advice

Reducing your energy bills isn’t always the easiest, and sometimes we need to think outside the box to save more. 

We’ve put together some suggestions on how you can save more on your energy bills in the long run, and most are not the usual tips such as “turn off the lights when you leave a room”.


 4 ways to save more energy from your living room


1. Get an Eco Button

If you have a P.C and work from home an Eco Button is a great way to reduce your energy use. This device plugs straight into your P.C’s USB port, and then it’s ready to do its magic. Each time you leave your P.C you need to press the eco button, it’ll then put your computer into energy saving mode.


2. Purchase a chimney balloon

Reducing your energy bills when you have a chimney isn’t always the simplest due to draughts. A chimney balloon keeps the warmth in your home by keeping those draughts out. Find out more about how they work here.


3. Bleed your radiators

Bleeding your radiators will make sure that your heating system is efficient and reduce your energy bills. Not bleeding your radiators can lead to air getting trapped inside which will increase the time it takes to heat a room.


4. Turn down your thermostat 1 celsius

Dropping your thermostat by 1 celsius can make a big difference. This small step can save you up to £60 a year.

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